Princes Gate Water

Princess Gate Awarded Level 5 Green Dragon Environmental Accreditation

Princes Gate Water is a family run spring water bottling plant in West Wales employing 50 members of staff.

In 2006 the company moved to a purpose built factory next to the farm and spring.

The site produces a number of products from the spring including spring water, flavoured water and multipacks. Princess Gate supplies own brand and a range of national supermarket chains.

Environmental standards have always been a priority to the company and in 2020 Princess Gate was certified to level 5 of the Green Dragon environmental accreditation.

Environmental improvements demonstrated by the company over recent years include:

  • £1.5million investment in onsite into installation of bottle blow in-house rather than shipping from 3rd party manufacture (reduction in raw material PET truck loads from 1000 to 50 per year).
  • Installation of two wind turbines and solar panels Onsite renewable electricity generation produces nearly the same amount as onsite electricity consumption.
  • £500,000 investment in three-phase electricity removing polluting diesel generators.
  • Reduction in packaging (via the PET and bottle cap) by 15%
  • Operate an on-site bio-diversification programme with Tir Gofal.
  • Offering client rPET bottles being offered to clients with 25% recycled content.
  • Working with hauliers to ensure reduce part loads.
  • Air compressors leak detection being undertaken.
  • Commissioned carbon emissions monitoring.
  • Manufacture on a fully soil association accredited site.