Groundwork are pleased to announced the ‘Sustainable Ventures’ project which provides free support to businesses and community organisations in Stoke-on-Trent who are keen on stepping up to the sustainability challenge.
The project aims to inform organisations on the most viable solutions available to them, exploring how energy audits, training, and actionable decarbonisation plans can help make positive steps towards a greener future.

The project features 3 core areas of support:
1. Energy Audits
Energy audits serve as the cornerstone of the Sustainable Ventures project. Audits involve assessing a business’s energy consumption patterns by identifying areas of wastage and inefficiency. By pinpointing energy-saving opportunities, organisations can achieve substantial cost reductions and reduce their carbon footprint simultaneously.
2. Decarbonisation plans
Decarbonisation plans form strategic roadmaps that guide organisations towards long-term sustainability. Plans outline a series of steps to reduce carbon emissions over time, which includes adopting renewable energy sources, transitioning to low-carbon technologies, and optimising supply chain operations.
3. Events & training
We’ll be hosting conferences throughout 2024 to share success stories, provide training, and facilitate networking opportunities for organisations wishing to embrace more efficient ways of operating.